Artmoney Port Royale 2 Own Town

Attack who you can hate forever Basically be English and attack the French or the Dutch.. |||||||| Browse by PC Games Title:|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Hints and Tips for: Port Royale 2 Cheats Port Royale 2 Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: Tamim Open the 'pr2_arcs.. There's the changeable numbers here You have to change the number of that ship you own.

Vmin is the ship's min speed Do the same as Vmax, but in for war ship use lower value here.. (south-east) Turk island (South-west) Margarita (north) Martinique (north-east) Guadeloupe.. Port Royale 2 takes you back to the beginning of the 17th century Let the game stand entirely on its own merits.. Such as you have Galeone ship, change the agil,crew,vmax etc For example what I used for [LINIENS] ships is:- Agil= 50 Crew= 200 Heal= 130 Fass= 85 Tief= 2 Vmin= 12 Vmax= 18 GSpT= 0 Guns= 250 Wert= 200 Crew means how many crew can you load.. She will give you a map which will lead you to your own steam ship Easy ships: ----------- Do not go face-on to your enemies and attack slowly with small ships.

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GSpT means only ships costs not other costs such as captain's payment Guns means how many Cannon can you load, etc.. cpr' file with cheatbook database's hex editor Find the position: 5619 You will see 5B53455D [PINASSE].. Instead, get a small ship and work on getting money When you are getting a very high income, buy a small killing ship.. Artifacts location: ------------------- All Artifacts will appear and disappear so keep looking every soften: (north and south-east) Trinidad. Fear For Mac

(north) Antigua (south-east) Trinidad (east) Rotan (north) Tampico (north-east) Corpus Christi.. (south) Cartagena (south) Providence (2 south),(south-east/north) Turk island (x2 south) Port of Spain and last the island to the north east after you got all the Artifacts go to your wife and she will give you the map for it.. When the English like you, find a badly defended ship of the line and take it Then make them fully happy again and repeat until you have five ship of the lines.

Win: ---- Start by using most of your money on ammunition cannons and get the most amount of sailors.. PORT ROYALE Soon Vmax is the ship's max speed For trade best is 20, For artifact finding, place higher value here.. (east) Port St Joe (north) Fort Caroline (north) Charleston (west) Santo Domingo.. Port Royale 2 Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, Tips Port Royale 2 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.. Unlockable Steam Ship: ---------------------- Submitted by: conner54 Collect 20 artifacts and talk to your wife. e828bfe731